Перегляд одного допису
Старий 09.01.2009, 13:27   #14
Аватар для П.Ржевский
Реєстрація: 22.02.2006
Звідки Ви: Carthago delenda est
Дописи: 1.821
Дякував: 7.790
Дякували 8.160 раз(и) в 464 повідомленнях
По поводу катушки Флюгер.

Эта моделька есть в каталоге "Кабелас". Там же найдешь и отзывы пользователей. Правда, они все на аглицком, но если обладать даже самыми примитивными познаниями в этом языке, то понять можно. Почитал их на досуге. Большинство эту модель хвалит, но есть пару отзывов резко отрицательных. Зато все поголовно хвалят старшую модель Флюгера - XT- ту, которая стоит на 30 баксов дороже (в "жёлтом" корпусе). В общем, почитай отзвывы, а выводы сделаешь сам. Адрес сайта www.cabelas.com
Конкретно по этой модели:
А отзывы пользователей примерно такие:

"Bought this reel recently because of the relatively cheap price and the quality that i knew would come with it. Boy was i amazed. After setting this up on my rod, i decided to test how smooth the cast was but since i was nowhere near water i just went into my backyard. I didn't want it to go very far so i just flicked my wrist and ended up with a cast that ran the entire length of my house. Did not expect that. The only problem i have with this reel is that the handle comes off quite easily but that can easily be worked around. This is the smoothest and best reel i have ever used period."

"somewhat noisy. not very smooth. handle attachment is not
typical and handle can become detached while in use. good drag system. I have used Pflueger baitcast reels and been very satisfied but will never buy another Pflueger spinning reel."

"i got this reel last year,as i am always buying the newest reputable gear on the market.I do own all the top of the line spinning reels on the market over the last 15 years,alot of team daiwa,shimanos,including the stella,okumas,pfluegers etc...so i have a wide knowledge on quality.For the money this reel is a 5 star reel,all you can ask for with the price of this reel.I am a big fan of fireline and this reel will hold a ton of line if you like.very smooth casting and retreiving for me so far,i ve fished mostly walleyes with it so far,the biggest being about a 7 lb walleye so far with no problems,i will put it to the test this fall when the 10-13 pound walleyes roll in.nice reel."

"I have used Pflueger's for some time and have never been disappointed...well...until this one.
Over all...the reel is great. Light weight, cast's perfect, etc. The problem arises when I reel in, it makes one God awful dragging/grinding sound.
I took it apart, oiled every moving part, put it back together, took it out the next day.....same gridding sound.
Took out my trusty Pflueger Trion....looked at it vs. this new reel....nothing different. Put the same jig on this pole and absolutely perfect....one of the most quiet reels I have used to date.
This is the only rod, reel, rod/reel combo by Pflueger that I am dissapointed in."

Востаннє редагував П.Ржевский: 09.01.2009 о 13:35.
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