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Старий 18.02.2015, 15:36   #13
Аватар для Freshman
Реєстрація: 06.03.2011
Звідки Ви: Київ
Дописи: 8.255
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Допис від Compozitor Переглянути допис
Андрей я не о слове ( хотя о нем тоже ), удочка данная под что разработана и что из себя представляет?
Личных ощущений нет, только описание с оф сайта (ну можно еще на японоблогах поискать отзывы). А так вот http://all.daiwa21.com/fishing/item/...s_rd/steez_bt/
691HMHFB [MACHINEGUNCAST TYPE-III (machine gun cast type III)]
Cast Acura Sea tempo power machine gun cast can achieve all by fusing at a high level. While the power rod is also ready delicate and has excellent sensitivity transmitted at hand. As well as torsional rigidity by adopting the X45 is dramatically improved, to achieve outstanding castability by suppressing the twist at the time of casting, and has finished in the sharper rod. Versatile potentially around the spinnerbait football jig-Texas rig also fill with weight and I have both. Through the following the multi-taper to vent in response to the load, it is to be the castability is worthy of the name of the machine gun cast is also synonymous.

[X45 / ultra-high density SVF carbon]
[Fit lure: spinnerbait / rubber jig / Texas rig / frog]
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Compozitor (18.02.2015)